How youtube watch hours work?

Join more than 1,750,000 Smash Balloon users to create great social media channels. You should also decide your target audience before making your YouTube videos. After all, young people in their 20s and 60s are likely to be interested in different types of content. Once you've done all of this, you can start publishing your video content regularly.

After all, channels that publish at least one video per week get better results. Public viewing hours on YouTube are the total number of hours people watched public videos on the channel. In order to monetize YouTube, you must have had more than 4000 hours of valid public viewing in the last 365 days. Stream live on YouTube frequently and use the Premiere feature to create a more immersive experience with your audience and increase watch time.

In this case, you would need to get 78 views per video or live stream to reach 4000 hours of viewing time. With the Feeds for YouTube Pro add-on, you can easily convert visitors to your website into viewers and subscribers to your YouTube channel. Watch time (or audience retention, as it's popularly referred to in YouTube analytics) is the total amount of time viewers spend watching your videos. A great thumbnail communicates the value of watching your video to viewers when they browse your YouTube news channel.

If you've reached 4000 hours of public viewing but only in more than 363 days, unfortunately, you won't be able to apply for the YouTube Partner Program yet. With longer videos, you need a much smaller number of viewers to be able to enjoy the same number of hours of viewing. Initially, YouTube won't recommend your videos to new people, and your channel won't grow organically because it doesn't know enough about you, your channel, your videos, and who would be interested in watching them. No, you can't cheat to earn revenue from YouTube by running YouTube ads for views and hours of viewing, since the viewing hours of YouTube ads are not included in the public viewing hours requirements.

You can also create an online course and host your videos on YouTube to increase watch time on your channel. With an increase in watch time, YouTube is more likely to promote your channel through recommended searches and videos, which in turn generates more views. Let's look at some of the best tricks for watching YouTube watch time that will help you grow your channel exponentially. Creating playlists for your YouTube videos is a way to guide potential viewers to a longer viewing experience where they see more of your best content. Do you want to know how YouTube watch hours work? So if you're eager to know, read me.