Do your own watch hours count on youtube?

YouTube only considers PUBLIC watch time as watch time. This means that if you set the privacy of one of your videos to private or hidden, Let's consider that your YouTube channel is monetized, Now what? YouTube only pays you to get viewers, and you get paid when the viewers of your channel see the ads that are shown. This is where you and YouTube (the company) make money.

If you're not receiving views and your channel is monetized, it has no purpose. To stay in the YouTube partner program, you must ensure that the total number of hours of public viewing never falls below 4000 hours. Even if your channel is monetized by people watching your own videos, you'll lose your partnership with YouTube in less than a few months. The basic goal is to gain an audience and make your YouTube channel a brand, in addition to showing ads and earning money in other ways.

Thank you for writing such an informative post on how to get subscribers and hours of viewing on YouTube. I monetized my YouTube channel more than a year ago, and how can you monetize it on YouTube by completing 4000 hours of viewing? If a new video is successful with initial views, interactions, and watch time, this sends a strong signal to YouTube that your video is working well. By accepting it, you might stress out about keeping those viewing hours high, but don't panic; YouTube won't kick you out if you go below 4,000 hours, as long as it's clear that you're still active. According to YouTube, it takes 4000 hours of viewing in the last 12 months and 1000 subscribers to access the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

Generating 4000 hours of playback may seem like a daunting task, but it can be easily achieved if you spend time on your content and promotion strategies. A viewing hour of 4000 means 166 days, which means you have to turn on your computer continuously for more than 5.5 months.